... and Finally End Feast And Famine Selling.
A lot of companies jump from marketing crisis to marketing crisis.
“We need to get some money in the door because we don’t have enough money for payroll…”
“The sales team isn’t doing anything, we need to get them some leads…”
Then things get turned around and they take their foot off the accelerator and coast for a little while. Then there is another crisis and the problems start over again.
Good Marketing Happens On A Schedule.
If you want to get control of your marketing then everything needs to happen to a plan AND on schedule. This means making time to plan out the coming year’s worth of marketing campaigns. This should include both ‘customer acquisition’ and ‘existing customer’ marketing.
All Right Genius That’s A Lot Of Campaigns we might need. We need ideas?
Broadly you need two categories of campaigns. Evergreen and Seasonal. Evergreen campaigns can be run 24/7/365 unchanged with minimal updating. And then you have seasonal campaigns which are tied into something that is happening in your customers’ lives.
Some examples of evergreen campaigns might be a postcard that you can drop in 5,000 letterboxes and get 50 leads every month or two months without ‘marketing fatigue’ setting in. Or doing a monthly newsletter to your existing clients.
Seasonal campaigns could include a Christmas promotion, Easter campaign, Mother’s day campaign, etc. It isn’t too hard to come up for a seasonal campaign for each month of the year. For example
- Australia Day in January,
- Valentine’s Day in February,
- Labour Day and St Patrick’s Day in March,
- Anzac Day in April,
- Mother’s Day in May,
- June is the queen’s birthday (Foundation day in WA),
- Christmas in July
- August has Bank Holiday in NSW, National Science Week and Picnic Day in the Northern Territory
- Father’s day in September
- Halloween in October
- November has Remembrance Day and Melbourne Cup Day
- Christmas and Boxing Day for December
Don’t forget change of season, birthdays, the company’s birthday, anniversaries. Check out other calendar’s for other ideas.
Any time you need a campaign but don’t have an event you like use a charity tie in. For every sale you’ll make a contribution to a charity…
Once you’ve planned out the year then you work backwards so that you know when the campaigns need to be finished and ready to implement. No point getting your Mother’s promotion out the door a week after Easter because you didn’t get the flyers and post cards written and designed until the Tuesday before Easter… We’ll be here to help you with your printing of course.