Printed Newsletters
Printing - Helping Sustain Critical Relationships In Business
I’m going to share with you one of the most overlooked aspects of business and marketing. If you can’t put together a large enough group of loyal customers, your business is going to be a long and painful grind.
Imagine having a large enough group of customers that you get the income you want each month, predictably and reliably. Providing you with a steady stream of new customers from referrals.
I’m not going to lie and tell you it is easy. It is a lot of hard work to get there. But you will be rewarded when you do.
The key to getting this group together is having an ongoing relationship between them and you. Not your business but you. This is why we have been doing our monthly newsletter (and we are getting lots of positive feedback about it from our customers). And we will continue to do it until we close up Cariss Printing many, many years from now. It is about building a sustainable ongoing relationship between us and our clients. Importantly the newsletter needs to stand out from the clutter – that is why we print it.
That relationship between you and me is the glue that creates successful businesses. And it is the same for you and your customers. If you don’t have a meaningful relationship with your customers and you’re not investing in them all the time then you aren’t going to build a sustainable business.
The reason we do a newsletter is that we have a chance to invest in our customer relationship each and every month. Every month we have a chance to say “Hi” and build the bond between us.
Strategically, newsletters offer so many marketing advantages:
Induce Customers to repeat purchase of products/services previously purchased
Cross Selling of other products and services to the same customers
Joint Venture’s of related products from other suppliers to your existing customers
Your existing customers referring friends colleagues and family to you
Part of an Improved Exit Strategy – getting a higher sale price for your business
I know the big problem that everyone has with a newsletter is the timing of it. Getting a newsletter out the door the same time of the month, every month is a hard task. That is why I have put together a team that can take care of every aspect of newsletter production. Writing, design, printing and fulfillment so your newsletter is done for you.
If you would like to find out more then we can arrange a newsletter suitability audit for you. Simply call 1300 85 77 85 or email and we can arrange a no cost, no obligation service where we can to look at if a newsletter will work for you and your business.
Join our subscriber list to receive your printed copy of Print Shop News to see how we do it and learn some tricks of the trade for your own print marketing.